gnupic: gpal fork

Previous by date: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000 Re: gpal fork, Byron A Jeff
Next by date: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000 Re: gpal fork, pic00
Previous in thread: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000 Re: gpal fork, Byron A Jeff
Next in thread: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000 Re: gpal fork, pic00

Subject: Re: Fwd: gpal fork
From: Alex Holden ####@####.####
Date: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Michiel Boerman wrote:
> Hmm, I find this thing that when you reply to a message from the gnupic 
> list it only gets sent to the original poster quite annoying. Can't that 
> be changed?

I'm not sure if you were intentionally trolling or not (I've seen far 
too many flame wars fought over this issue), but the answer is no, I'm 
definitely not going to enable reply-to munging. If you want me to go 
into more detail about why I'm opposed to it, ask me off-list.

------------ Alex Holden - ------------
If it doesn't work, you're not hitting it with a big enough hammer

Previous by date: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000 Re: gpal fork, Byron A Jeff
Next by date: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000 Re: gpal fork, pic00
Previous in thread: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000 Re: gpal fork, Byron A Jeff
Next in thread: 9 Mar 2004 17:19:08 -0000 Re: gpal fork, pic00

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