gnupic: What PIC chips do you use.

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Subject: What PIC chips do you use.
From: Wayne Patterson ####@####.####
Date: 20 May 2004 00:22:36 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Say guys I'm helping Jeff Post with his new front end to picp "gpicp". 
Andrew Pins has turned over the work on picp to Jeff and he has done 
some really good work on it, it works with the "Picstart Plus" AND the 
Warp-13". So you guys who "like me" can't afford the Picstart Plus you 
now have another option.
I need to know what chips you guys use the most so we can test as many 
as we can.

Previous by date: 20 May 2004 00:22:36 +0100 Re: Quick summary of Pyastra, Fabien Marchewka
Next by date: 20 May 2004 00:22:36 +0100 Re: What PIC chips do you use., Robert Lang
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Next in thread: 20 May 2004 00:22:36 +0100 Re: What PIC chips do you use., Robert Lang

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