gnupic: Re. request for a doc writer

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Subject: Re. request for a doc writer
From: ####@####.####
Date: 12 Oct 2004 11:22:05 +0100

nisma AT gmx wrote:-
> it's someone on the list, that are interrested in writing a documentation
> about a free unix basic compiler for pic devices ?
> The documentation from a commercial pic basic implementation and notes
> about addition/differences exists. For copyright reason, this doc cannot
> be used/distributed with the sw. 

I would be prepare to contribute, because I am interested in:
unix/linux, compiler, pic.

English is my first language.

I have very definte ideas about such projects:
It's not like making coffee - a 'once -off' tasks, rather it's like
all software development: an iterative process.  It evolves, and
must be kept alive until it becomes of 'value'. 
Normally once it acheives 'value', it becomes self sustaining.
To acheive this, the coordinator needs to set up a system to allow 
feedback between the parties: perhaps only the software person/team
and the writer.

The system should be designed to cater for contributors to drop-out.
Each contributor's input should be able to add to the value.

== Chris Glur.

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