gnupic: [PATCH] gpal Code for the 16e Family

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Next by date: 13 Oct 2004 16:34:10 +0100 [PATCH] gpasm scan.l, Robert James Kaes
Previous in thread: 13 Oct 2004 16:34:10 +0100 Re: [PATCH] gpal Code for the 16e Family, Craig Franklin
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Subject: Re: [PATCH] gpal Code for the 16e Family
From: Robert James Kaes ####@####.####
Date: 13 Oct 2004 16:34:10 +0100
Message-Id: <>

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, Craig Franklin wrote:
> Thanks for the patch.
> I haven't finished the 18f devices.  If you command "gpal -l" they 
> aren't listed.  That explains some of the errors.
> Please continue working on it if you like.  I have a TODO list if you 
> run out of things to work on.  Don't spend any time improving the 
> banksel.  I have a big patch for it that is mostly done.

Thanks for the info.  I didn't plan on doing any more with the BANKSEL
directives.  The patch removed the unneeded ones, and I didn't feel
confident enough with my understanding of the gpal source to know
which other ones may or may not be removed.

One thing I would appreciate having would be a working example of gpal
code for any supported processor.  Perhaps the canonical blinking
light example. :)  Basically, I would like to see how one accesses the
various ports and registers on a PIC from a gpal application.  Once I
have that understanding, I can work on getting the 18f family up to

Thanks for any help you can provide.
        -- Robert

Robert James Kaes
WormBytes Consulting and Contracting

Previous by date: 13 Oct 2004 16:34:10 +0100 Re: gpsim's gui, Scott Dattalo
Next by date: 13 Oct 2004 16:34:10 +0100 [PATCH] gpasm scan.l, Robert James Kaes
Previous in thread: 13 Oct 2004 16:34:10 +0100 Re: [PATCH] gpal Code for the 16e Family, Craig Franklin
Next in thread: 13 Oct 2004 16:34:10 +0100 Re: [PATCH] gpal Code for the 16e Family, Craig Franklin

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