gnupic: question - GPDASM and register names

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Subject: Re: question - GPDASM and register names
From: Craig Franklin ####@####.####
Date: 28 Oct 2004 14:49:30 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Jeff wrote:

>On Wednesday 27 October 2004 07:58 pm, David McNab wrote:
>>Is there any way to persuade gpdasm to output register names instead of
>>instead of:
>>     BSF 0x3, 0x6
>>gpdasm demands a '-p proctype' argument when it runs, so I thought it
>>would exploit processor-specific knowledge to look up the names for
>>registers and bits
>I'm privately working on modifications to gpdasm to output assembler-ready 

Human readable would probably be more accurate, because gpdasm's output 
can be assembled now.

>What you suggest is similar to what I do in my 8052 disassembler, so it 
>should be doable for gpdasm (although more complex that what's required for 
>the 8052). I'll add it to my TODO list ;-)


Before you start on this change, lets talk.  I want to make sure all the 
tools (gplink, gpvo, ...) can take advantage of your changes.

I am especially interested in gplink's list file output.  SDCC and gpal 
would both benefit from this change.  It would make it easier to see 
what code the compilers generated.  I am starting to change my mind and 
think this is a priority for me.  When do think you might start this task?

We should probably consider using the disassembler in the COD file 
viewer too (gpvc).  Probably would be simple to do.  I will add it to 
gputils TODO list.

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Previous by date: 28 Oct 2004 14:49:30 +0100 Re: question - GPDASM and register names, Craig Franklin
Next by date: 28 Oct 2004 14:49:30 +0100 Re: question - GPDASM and register names, Jeff
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