gnupic: Any way to address the stack?

Previous by date: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000 Any way to address the stack?, David McNab
Next by date: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000 Re: PICs on Linux, Bart Oldeman
Previous in thread: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000 Any way to address the stack?, David McNab
Next in thread: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000 Re: Any way to address the stack?, Byron A Jeff

Subject: Re: Any way to address the stack?
From: Snail Instruments ####@####.####
Date: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000
Message-Id: <>

>Is there any way to access the hardware return stack on PIC 16F873A?
>In other words, to get the value of the current stack pointer, as well as 
>read (and possibly also write) the contents of the 8 stack levels themselves?


>I ask, because I'm looking at ways of implementing a software call/return 
>stack, and thus eliminating the ceiling of 8 call levels.

Just a suggestion - if your application _really_ needs more then 8 levels 
of nested calls, use PIC18F442, pin compatible, but with 31 level stack. 
And software accessible on top of it.


Previous by date: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000 Any way to address the stack?, David McNab
Next by date: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000 Re: PICs on Linux, Bart Oldeman
Previous in thread: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000 Any way to address the stack?, David McNab
Next in thread: 8 Nov 2004 07:42:40 +0000 Re: Any way to address the stack?, Byron A Jeff

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