gnupic: PWM in assembler

Previous by date: 19 Nov 2004 20:35:51 +0000 PWM in assembler, Dante
Next by date: 19 Nov 2004 20:35:51 +0000 Has anybody used the AN575 floating point library?, Mark Rages
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Next in thread: 19 Nov 2004 20:35:51 +0000 Re: PWM in assembler, Scott Dattalo

Subject: Re: PWM in assembler
From: Snail Instruments ####@####.####
Date: 19 Nov 2004 20:35:51 +0000
Message-Id: <>

>something improperly, Then I began to suspect other things. Having 
>encountered the same problem with different simulators

Make sure the simulator supports the PWM function.

>reset ccp1con (17h)
>set bits 2,3 in 17h
>set the period of the PWM in PR2 (92h)
>set the duty cycle by writing to ccpr1l (15h)
>  set the LSBs for duty cycle in bits 4,5 in ccpr1l (17h)
>clear trisC bit 2
>set t2con (12h) bit 2 for prescale value
>Now, the manual specifies enabling the CCP1 module.

Perhaps enable interrupt? But this is unnecessary for the function of PWM. 
Only make sure the duty cycle is smaller then the period, otherwise the 
output pin never goes low.

BTW, I think your ccp module is setup correct, have you tried it with the 
real silicon? My experience comes from the 16F877 part, but I believe the 
CCP module is very similar (if not identical).


Previous by date: 19 Nov 2004 20:35:51 +0000 PWM in assembler, Dante
Next by date: 19 Nov 2004 20:35:51 +0000 Has anybody used the AN575 floating point library?, Mark Rages
Previous in thread: 19 Nov 2004 20:35:51 +0000 PWM in assembler, Dante
Next in thread: 19 Nov 2004 20:35:51 +0000 Re: PWM in assembler, Scott Dattalo

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