gnupic: compiling gpal

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Subject: Re: compiling gpal
From: David McNab ####@####.####
Date: 16 Dec 2004 13:10:18 +0000
Message-Id: <>

Geoff Horn wrote:
> I'm having trouble with compiling gpal programs. Specifically I've tried the 
> example from David McNab (2004-10-24)  and using the command line he gave 
> "gpal -c helloleds.pal"
> I get the error:
>  " No such file or directory".

Apologies - I've attached the missing '' file to this message.

> Does someone have a definitive method for compiling such a simple program? I 
> find the requirement to specify the processor so many times in so many ways 
> offputting and confusing! Cannot it just be specified once? After all if I 
> have a statement in my pal file: "with p16f873a", my intentions are clear. 
> Please put me out of my misery!

Hopefully with this missing file things should compile OK.

> Yup, I'm not a programmer and I would like to move away from Jal and use gpal.

The question is - do you have a clear and specific preference for gpal?
I shelved my experiments with gpal because I got the sense that it's 
way under-ripe in development and not yet ready for users.

Given that you've said you're a non-programmer (ie, not yet a 
programmer), I'd recommend two other free (as in 'beer' and 'speech') 
  - PicForth -, or
  - PyAstra -

PicForth is an excellent and pragmatic Forth implementation for PIC, 
that's mature enough to be used in real development projects. Definitely 
worth a try. Forth is a crazy language with a zealous core of 
enthusiasts - some people find Forth exhilarating and liberating - other 
people find it an excruciating form of torture - you gotta try it to see 
if it fits with your thinking style. I do consider it a good first 
language though, since it teaches some good programming concepts.

PyAstra is a Python implementation for PIC. Python is arguably the best 
first language for not-yet-programmers, since it is so powerful, yet 
quickly learnable, and its design is truly an inspiration. PyAstra is a 
bit green, but works well enough to get a 'feel' for PIC programming, 
and shouldn't entrap you into bad habits.

One last option - grab the free version of the CC5X C compiler. It's a 
harder path for non-programmers, but worth the slog. There are 
multi-module techniques that let you bypass most of the 'free crippled' 


public helloleds is
    pragma processor = "16f873a";
    pragma udata_section = "BANK0";
    pragma code_section = "PROG1";
    procedure main;

    with p16f873a;

end public;

Previous by date: 16 Dec 2004 13:10:18 +0000 , Christian Stalder
Next by date: 16 Dec 2004 13:10:18 +0000 Linux & Parallel PIC Programmer, Romagnoli, Massimo
Previous in thread: 16 Dec 2004 13:10:18 +0000 compiling gpal, Geoff Horn
Next in thread: 16 Dec 2004 13:10:18 +0000 Re: compiling gpal, Geoff Horn

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