gnupic: Linux & Parallel PIC Programmer

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Subject: Linux & Parallel PIC Programmer
From: "Romagnoli, Massimo" ####@####.####
Date: 16 Dec 2004 14:07:31 +0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi to everybody,
I hope that someone can help me about my very "annoying" problem with linux & my parallel pic programmer (homemade propic).
My, not "burning", setup is based on dual boot K7SA5-PRO with 1G Duron plus Slackware 10.0 (but Gentoo too) - Kernel 2.4.26 and long list of "pic burning" software ( PicPrg2.3, PikDev 0.6.6a, Odyssey, IcProg 1.04-1.05c by wine) but seems that no one get proper control on parallel port/device.
No success with ppdev, parport, lp or direct for odyssey interface,  only loading, when need, of right module ( lsmod confirm module presence and dmesg report right port usage) and play with bios parameter ( ECP to SPP or from 0x378 to 0x278) don't help.
Of course same hardware are working without problem under m$ os (I'm keeping win98se partition only for this thing) and strange issue is that every time, since end mobo bios boot, (module loaded or not) led on programmer (Vpp & Vprog check) flash continuously randomly but only when I boot linux partition.
Just for info, not evidence about irq sharing or conflict, and,  in linux I can print on parallel printer without problem.

Any hint ?



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