gnupic: Future of SIL?

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Subject: Re: Future of SIL?
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 21 Sep 2000 13:50:14 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Wojtek Zabolotny wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 01:02:39AM +0000, Francisco Rodrigo Escobedo Robles wrote:
> > Hello all.
> > 
> > >  I think that it would be nice to have an efficient, open source, 
> > > high level language for PIC16F84/16F877 and similar.
> > 
> > Like Forth? :)
> > 
> > I am the author of mary, an optimizing native code Forth compiler for 
> > the mid range PICs. Right now the development has stopped due to a job 
> > switching matter, but I intend to continue as soon as I can. I'll 
> > announce the new version the same moment it's available.
> > 
> > For those of you that already know of mary (hi, Wojciech), the good 
> > news are that the new (alpha) version will come with full bank 
> > switching support for the 16F877 and family. In fact, it supports 4 
> > banks, and I think in the future could be extended for 16 banks in 
> > order to make a high range PIC compiler. But don't hold your breath on 
> > this, first is first and I have to finish this version.
> It is a really great news that Mary Picforth is still alive :-).
> If I may suggest something, the COD file support would be also very
> appreciated. However the only description of COD format I have is that
> in sources of gpasm & gpsim (especially the cod.h file).

I've got some more documentation, but I can't give it out. If you want, send an
e-mail to Walter Banks at Byte Craft and ask for information on the COD file
format. He'll give it to you.


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