gnupic: Re: [gnupic] gpasm bug

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] gpasm bug
From: Craig Franklin ####@####.####
Date: 15 Feb 2005 05:58:33 +0000
Message-Id: <>

Vangelis Rokas wrote:

>There is a bug with gpasm when compiling the
>code that contains the following extract:
>BRA    $+2
>BRA    $+2
>Internally it seems that GPasm creates a label _$_000002
>when encounters '$+2'. This results in having two labels
>with the same name.

I assembled this:

  processor 18f448


  BRA    $+2
  BRA    $+2


and got this:

COFF File and Optional Headers
Processor Type       18f448
Time Stamp           Mon Feb 14 23:56:42 2005
Number of Sections   1
Number of Symbols    7
Characteristics      0

Section Header
Name                    .code
Address                 0
Size of Section         4
Number of Relocations   2
Number of Line Numbers  2
Flags                   0x20
  Executable code.

000000:  d000  bra    0x2
000002:  d000  bra    0x4

Relocations Table
Address    Offset     Type   Symbol
0          0x2        0x13   _$_000000
0x2        0x2        0x13   _$_000002

Line Number Table
Line     Address  Symbol
6        0        test.asm
7        0x2      test.asm

Symbol Table
Name                     Section          Value      Type  Class  NumAux
.file                    DEBUG            0          0     103    1  
  file = test.asm
  line included = 0
.code                    .code            0          0     109    1  
  length = 4
  number of relocations = 2
  number of line numbers = 2
_$_000000                .code            0          0     3      0  
_$_000002                .code            0x2        0     3      0  
.eof                     DEBUG            0          0     107    0  

It looks correct to me.

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