gnupic: Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's

Previous by date: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's, Daniel Serpell
Next by date: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's, Peter
Previous in thread: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's, Daniel Serpell
Next in thread: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's, Peter

Subject: Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's
From: Alex Holden ####@####.####
Date: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Daniel Serpell wrote:
> I then realized that C is not a good language to program a
> microcontroller, I think that people use C in this environment only
> because they have previous knowledge of the language.

It depends on the architecture. Some other microcontrollers like MSP430 
are much more C-friendly than PIC. In my opinion one of the main reasons 
for using C rather than assembly is portability.

------------ Alex Holden - ------------
If it doesn't work, you're not hitting it with a big enough hammer

Previous by date: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's, Daniel Serpell
Next by date: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's, Peter
Previous in thread: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's, Daniel Serpell
Next in thread: 23 Apr 2005 10:06:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What About GCC and PIC's, Peter

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