gnupic: PIC17C7xx gpasm support?

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Subject: Re: PIC17C7xx gpasm support?
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 6 Nov 2000 14:34:45 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Anthony Tekatch wrote:

> OK, I've done the coding, no compile errors :-). Now I just have to test it
> all out. I don't have a processor yet so the real test will have to wait a
> week or so. I'd be willing to make my code available somehow in case anyone
> wants to look it over or test it.
> > If you look at the examples in gpasm you'll find .asm files I've written to test
> > how well gpsim simulates the instructions. Unfortunately, it won't work for you
> > since gpsim doesn't support the 17cxx core (hey Anthony, why you're at
> > it...). 
> I think that might be a bit larger project :-)

Indeed. But like gpasm, gpsim has the 12,14, and 18cxxx families implemented so
it shouldn't be too hard adding support for the 17cxx core. I'm in the middle of
adding the timer peripherals to the 18cxxx devices. When I finish that, I'll
investigate adding the 17cxx core.


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