gnupic: Re: [gnupic] gpsim/gpasm assertions

Previous by date: 27 May 2005 03:37:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] gpsim/gpasm assertions, Craig Franklin
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Previous in thread: 27 May 2005 03:37:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] gpsim/gpasm assertions, Craig Franklin
Next in thread: 27 May 2005 03:37:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] gpsim/gpasm assertions, Craig Franklin

Subject: Re: [gnupic] gpsim/gpasm assertions
From: "Scott Dattalo" ####@####.####
Date: 27 May 2005 03:37:56 +0100
Message-Id: <61657.>

On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 20:57 -0500, Craig Franklin wrote:

> Version 4.0 of the COD file spec says this:
> If expression is true (non-zero) then execution halts and a message is
> printed to standard error containing the following information:
> - name of the source code file containing the triggered assertion
> - source line number of the triggered assertion

Okay, I can do this. Here's a lazy question: do you know where I can find
version 4.0 COD file specification?

> Scott Dattalo wrote:
>>There's an issue with using quoted strings with assembly assertions;
>>currently gpasm does no parsing of assertion text (or any .direct type
>>text for that matter) and thus it's currently not possible to specify a
>>quote character as part of the string. I suppose the text parsing can be
>>part of gpsim instead... I'm not sure which is better; should gpsim or
>>gpasm parse string escapes?
> gpasm can convert the escape characters, if that is best.  I am not
> worried about the quotes.  What about the other characters (\t \n \r
> ...)?  Are there any problems with converting those?  It has to be all
> or none.

The way I look at it, it's easier for gpsim to filter out stuff that it
knows is bad, but much harder to add stuff that the user may want. As it
stands, gpsim will parse the string and add a '\n' to the end of it.

BTW, I was going to call the same function that doDt calls to expand its
escapes, but saw that it did things like convert octal numbers to


Previous by date: 27 May 2005 03:37:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] gpsim/gpasm assertions, Craig Franklin
Next by date: 27 May 2005 03:37:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] FW: [PIC] PIC development under Linux with Wine, Scott Dattalo
Previous in thread: 27 May 2005 03:37:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] gpsim/gpasm assertions, Craig Franklin
Next in thread: 27 May 2005 03:37:56 +0100 Re: [gnupic] gpsim/gpasm assertions, Craig Franklin

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