gnupic: gpsim gui changes

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Subject: gpsim gui changes
From: "Scott Dattalo" ####@####.####
Date: 5 Jun 2005 05:50:53 +0100
Message-Id: <62286.>

I just checked into CVS a fairly significant GUI change (well at least it
seems significant from a coding perspective). As you may know, the cycle
counter is displayed in both the source browser and the register viewer
windows. I removed it from there and placed it into the dispatch window
(the window with the menus and buttons). There are a couple of reasons for
this change. First, it doesn't make sense to duplicate information and
waste precious screen space. Second, I plan to integrate the windows of
the gui a little more tightly. You may recall the proposal I made several
months ago along these lines. In fact, here's a screen shot of some of the
work I did for this back in December:

The top part of the screen shot is basically the way the new dispatcher

Also, I fixed the status bar boxes - they no longer truncate the text they

Oh and also, I had to go back and re-enable a few more of the GTKWAIT
macros. I realize this has a negative impact on some of you, but these
macros are necessary for the gui to work properly.


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Next by date: 5 Jun 2005 05:50:53 +0100 Re: [gnupic] gpsim gui changes, Peter Onion
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