gnupic: PIC16F876A

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Subject: PIC16F876A
From: Eljin ####@####.####
Date: 23 Jun 2005 01:56:29 +0100
Message-Id: <>

I have a PIC16F876A and I am trying to program it for the first time.
This is also my first experience with the PIC micro controller.

I built up the GPICD programmer and have been trying to use it and its 
accompanying software to do this.
I'm running Slackware 10.

I have 12.7vdc going to the MCLR pin and can read the clock and data 
pulses  going to RB6 and RB7 with my scope.
I can read the configuration data word from the PIC, but can not write a 
new one to it.
I cannot write the firmware to the Flash at all.

OMG please help!

I don't know what else to try or even for sure if I'm doing this the 
right way and I don't have anyone close to me to ask.

Seriously, if anyone has a better suggestion that doesn't cost me too 
much money, I'll take it.

I would rather use the high voltage programming, since from what I have 
read so far, that seems to be the preferred method.
I would most like to fix the problem with what I already have, so that I 
can pass this all along to the OAP project and of course, get back to 
building my robot. :-)


Previous by date: 23 Jun 2005 01:56:29 +0100 Re: [gnupic] PIC18 Rtos, xavier.montagne
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