gnupic: Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up

Previous by date: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100 Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up, Chen Xiao Fan
Next by date: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100 Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up, David McNab
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100 Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up, Chen Xiao Fan
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100 Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up, David McNab

Subject: Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up
From: Byron A Jeff ####@####.####
Date: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100
Message-Id: <>

On Sat, Jul 16, 2005 at 10:38:49PM +1200, David McNab wrote:
> Hi all,
> As promised, I've put up a first draft of a HOWTO document for using the
> sdcc C compiler to build programs for PIC microcontrollers.
> I have donned my asbestos jacket in advance, because the document is
> based on PIC18Fxx2 devices, and ignores 16Fxxx chips entirely. Please do
> /not/ ask me to write an edition for 16Fxxx, because now I've used 18Fs,
>  the 16Fs are no longer relevant to me.
> Document is at
> If someone can recommend a good public wiki-hosting site suitable for
> technical docs, I'll look toward relocating it. In the meantime, send
> your corrections/additions to me directly.
> The aim of the doc is to get people to a point of feeling basically
> comfortable and competent in using sdcc for pic development, and gaining
> the confidence to delve into sdcc's less-than-ideal doco.


I started reading it.

First thanks for taking the time to contribute. Many of us, myself included,
often talk the talk, but fall down when it comes to actually walking the 

Just some quick technical notes: 

In section 4 a pointer to the sdcc users guide (if one exists) would be 

Good note on byte and bit access in the blinking LED section.

In 4.3 instead of cut and paste why not have a linkable copy of the 
crt018.asm to download. Same for 18f452.lkr. Thanks for both of those.
Also since you don't use the makefile untel after you've defined these
two, why not put the makefile after those two file. The sample Makefiles
should be downloadable too. In fact you may want to think about tarring up
all of your files into a single download. Finally you need to copyright
each of them and put your name on it so folks will know how to find you
and in what capacity they can use these files.

You have newbies as a specific audience target. So it would be helpful to
point them to some of the technical items in section 1.4. Suggest a 
bootloader or a programmer for example. I plan to test with a THVP
coupled with Alain's pkp. I'll report results when I have them.

Now on to theme. Frankly it's poor presentation to outline what is clearly
a good idea with a negative tone. I would almost suggest dropping everything
up to section 1.4 Or if you feel really strongly about it present it in a
positive light. So instead of  

"The sdcc C compiler is frequently overlooked by PIC newcomers, and has
earned the dubious reputation for being:

    * hard to use
    * not ready for usage
    * not suitable for PIC

amongst other deprecating remarks."

which carries a very negative tone try:

"The sdcc C compiler has developed to the point where it is easy to use
for a PIC target. This HOWTO was developed to assist newcomers begin
programming 18F PIC parts using the sdcc C compiler."

BTW feel free to use that, no reference required. It's basically the same
information, but the tone is 180 degrees from the original.

You have taken the time to write a very helpful document. Don't kill the
buzz by focusing on the negative aspects surrounding it. 

So personally I'd just flat drop sections 1 and 1.2 (or substitute with
the above). It's the same with 1.3. You don't need to justify using an
18F part, or suggesting giving 16F parts to one's siblings. Also don't
slap around Windows users in 1.4. They need open source toolchains just
as badly as we do. 

It doesn't have to be Mary Poppins. But even a neutral technical document
will present better that what you have so far.

Keep it simple. You like C. sdcc compiles C for the PIC. There are some
holes. You filled them. This document describes them. It's a great 
contribution to mankind. Hope it helps the reader. End of story.

Thanks for the draft. If you didn't need a wiki, then I'd suggest using
the free hosting that I use. Excellent uptime. No cost.

Hope this document finds a home. It along with Micah's and Martyn's will
help raise awareness of sdcc for development.


Previous by date: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100 Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up, Chen Xiao Fan
Next by date: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100 Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up, David McNab
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100 Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up, Chen Xiao Fan
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2005 00:28:39 +0100 Re: [gnupic] sdcc/PIC howto, first draft is up, David McNab

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