gnupic: [gnupic] How to start with PIC MCU

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Subject: [gnupic] How to start with PIC MCU
From: Chen Xiao Fan ####@####.####
Date: 25 Aug 2005 10:00:58 +0100
Message-Id: <3B8AEFFADD3DD4118F8100508BACEC2C0A2890D3@spex>

Maybe you should first start a new subject and ask for
help and not simply reply to any message. 

Anyway, please read the archive to start.

If you are using Windows: MPLAB is free and the best so far.
If you are using Linux: gputils and gpsim are there to 
help you and are very capable as well.

0) Tell us what is your background and what you want
to achieve.

1) Get a programmer like Wisp 628. Choose a chip it supports
like 16F684/688 or 16F628A/16F88 or even a new PIC18F.

2) Get the samples of the chip you select and some other
components like LEDs and resistors and switches, ...

3) Read the manual of the chip. You most likely will not
understand every thing but never mind.

4) Learn the basics of how to write a LED blinking program
and try it on the simulator.

5) Put the LED blinking circuit on a bread board, program
the PIC chip and try it to see if the LED blinks. If yes,
great! If not, never mind. Check again. If the LED
still can not blink, ask for help here.

6) Great, you already have a good start with PIC MCU now.

7) Read the following pages if you are working with Linux:

If you want to try SDCC with PIC18.


-----Original Message-----
From: Praveen k.p. ####@####.####
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 4:27 PM
To: ####@####.####
Subject: Re: [gnupic] Wisp628 Xwisp2 Linux support

hi all

my PIC programming knowledge is "BIG ZERO".
i know very small things on dis.

but my interest in it is very high.
i need the details of writing program for PICs.

which is the best s/w for writing it.

how to determine the exact command etc.

please.... help me.

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