gnupic: Re: [gnupic] alpha testers wanted

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] alpha testers wanted
From: John Chubick ####@####.####
Date: 26 Aug 2005 23:00:01 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Hi David,

Let me start with I'm pretty new to pic programming... I started in
March of this year.  I've been a software developer / system architect
in the business world for almost 20 years now and have a number of
languages under my belt including C, COBOL, PL/1, Pascal, Perl, and
more recently Java.  I think I had a class in Forth while in, that was Fortran.  Anyway, earlier this year my interest
in electronics was renewed and I picked up PIC assembler using gpsim
and the gputils.  I'm currently working on the project on the cover
page of the Mar/Apr issue of

I'm no expert by any means but I'd certainly be willing to take a look
at your "stuff".  OO programming of the pic sounds very interesting.

Best regards,


On 8/25/05, David McNab ####@####.#### wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm seeking people interested in playing with a new PIC18Fxxx compiler,
> and possibly even using it in their projects.
> The compiler features:
>  - high-level language programming
>  - multitasking (co-operative)
>  - object-oriented programming (optional)
>  - exception handling
>  - dynamic memory management
>  - effortlessly easy integration with assembler
>  - extensibility to the very core
> The compiler in question comes from my earlier PIC18Forth toolchain.
> In recap, PIC18Forth compiles Forth source code to a bytecode
> token-threaded VM runtime environment. On the positive side, this
> implememtation offers great flexibility and extremely compact code, but
> at a heavy performance cost.
> So I've forked Pic18Forth into two versions:
>  - 'Van' - original version - slow, but able to carry
>    large amounts of code in a PIC18F
>  - 'Coupe' - new version - subroutine-threaded compilation, which gives
>    near-native speed but loses the code density of the 'wagon', while
>    keeping the flexibility
> It's the 'coupe' version for which I'm seeking testers at this time.
> I'm looking to have the manuals, tutorial, example progs, release
> tarball etc done over the weekend.
> For testers, I'm looking for people who:
>  - like Forth, or are curious/flexible enough to learn a bit of it
>  - are looking to try out a new high-level language compiler for
>    PIC18Fxxx devices
>  - have at least a crude reading knowledge of PIC18Fxxx assembler
>  - use gputils and gpsim
>  - are willing to give clear feedback and feature suggestions
> and desirably:
>  - are working on actual PIC18Fxxx-based projects
>  - might be willing to get involved in future development and
>    documentation
>  - might be willing and able to contribute device drivers in the
>    future
> Please let me know on- or off-list if you're interested.
> --
> Cheers
> David
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