gnupic: Re: [gnupic] xwisp2 1.7.01 released

Previous by date: 20 Sep 2005 08:58:29 +0100 Re: [gnupic] xwisp2 1.7.01 released, Rob Hamerling
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Previous in thread: 20 Sep 2005 08:58:29 +0100 Re: [gnupic] xwisp2 1.7.01 released, Rob Hamerling
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Subject: RE: [gnupic] xwisp2 1.7.01 released
From: Chen Xiao Fan ####@####.####
Date: 20 Sep 2005 08:58:29 +0100
Message-Id: <3B8AEFFADD3DD4118F8100508BACEC2C0A289222@spex>

Yes I understand the your concern and next time I will
use the "go" command.

In this special case, there seems to be some different preference of
how the verify command should do.

12F629/675 Configuration bits

(U0 stands for un-implemented and will be read as zero).

The hex file gives the configuration of 3F8C since it did not know
the bandgap caliberation bits (BG1 BG0) and it will leave the umplemened
bits (read o) unprogrammed. The readout is 118C since the bandgap
is 1000. I would not think that the hex file is wrong. The bandgap should
be preserved and this should be taken care of by the programming command.
For the "go" command, the bandgap bits (BG1 BG0) and the OSCCAL value
should be read out first and then write back for the programming part
and then verify again. A seperate command can be implemented to 
erase the bandgap bits and the OSCCAL value. It would be even better
to implement one more command to regenerate the OSCCAL value for
MCUs like 12F629/675.

The verify command itself can not verify that if the bandgap is correct or
not. Therefore it should mask this. Again the three implemented bits
will be read as 0 and the verify command should ignore this difference IMHO.

From: xwisp2.cfg
PIC           = 12F629
Algorithm     = PIC16C
DeviceID      = 0F80
ProgSize      = 2048
DataSize      = 128
ProtectMask   = 01A0		--> why 10A0? should be 0180, right?
					--> why mask the MCLRE bit?
Delay         = 50
FuseFixedZero = 31FF		--> mask the U0 U0 U0, they will be read as
FuseFixedOne  = 3000		--> mask the bandgap bits for verification
Preserve      = 400E,3000     ; bandgap bits
Preserve      = 07FE,3FFF     ; whole OSCCAL word

From Microchip PICkit 1 VB application:
Public Sub LookupDevice()
    If ((DevId And &H3FE0) = &HF80) Then
        DeviceName = "PIC12F629"
        DevicePgmSize = 1024
        DeviceEESize = 128
        DeviceTestSize = 64
        DeviceSaveOscCal = True
        DeviceSaveBGBits = True
        DeviceBandGapMask = &H3000  --> mask the BG1 | BG0
        DeviceCPMask = &H180        --> mask the /CPD | /CP
        DeviceConfigMask = &H1FF	--> mask the BG1 BG0 U0 U0 U0
        DevicePgmMode = ByOne
        ProgCon.mnuWriteOscCal.Enabled = True
        ProgCon.mnuBandGapDefault.Enabled = True
        ProgCon.Label4.Enabled = True
        ProgCon.Label5.Enabled = True
        ProgCon.lblOscCal.Enabled = True
        ProgCon.lblBandGap.Enabled = True


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Hamerling 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:18 PM
To: ####@####.####
Subject: Re: [gnupic] xwisp2 1.7.01 released

Hi Xiaofan,

Xiaofan Chen wrote:

> Still the verification caused false alarm.

To my opinion this is not a false alarm!

With 'verify' the contents of target memory and hex file are compared 
and differences should be reported. In your case there is a difference 
in the config word, and xwisp2 signals this rightly!
Now you have to find out which of both values is wrong. According to the 
datasheet some bits of the config word are not used and read back as 0, 
but your hex file specifies these bits as 1. So obviously your hex file 
is in error.

I have introduced fusefixedzero and fusefixedone masks to adjust the 
config word bits with the 'write' operation to *suppress* the verify 
alarm with the write-verify operation (implied in the most popular 
command: 'go'). This is done for the convenience of the 'simple' user (I 
myself use practically only the 'go' command!)

The choice for a change in xwisp2 is:
  1. disable suppress of the error report with write-verify
  2. enable suppress of the error report with verify
To my opinion: when chosing for the second option 'verify' is crippled: 
you will not find errors in the config word specification of your 
program (either caused by yourself or by the compiler you are using).

Regards, Rob.

Previous by date: 20 Sep 2005 08:58:29 +0100 Re: [gnupic] xwisp2 1.7.01 released, Rob Hamerling
Next by date: 20 Sep 2005 08:58:29 +0100 Re: [gnupic] Different hex file generated by gpasm and mpasm, Peter Onion
Previous in thread: 20 Sep 2005 08:58:29 +0100 Re: [gnupic] xwisp2 1.7.01 released, Rob Hamerling
Next in thread: 20 Sep 2005 08:58:29 +0100 Re: [gnupic] xwisp2 1.7.01 released, Rob Hamerling

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