gnupic: Re: A Free Multiplateform MPLab alternative

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Subject: Fwd: RE: A Free Multiplateform MPLab alternative
From: Xiaofan Chen ####@####.####
Date: 21 Jan 2006 10:24:01 +0000
Message-Id: <>

I just came across the following in the Microchip Forum:


[quote]ORIGINAL: octal

Hi every body,
I'm working on a new IDE for developping MCU applications (mainly PIC
mcu's). I have used Eclipse as development base. I'm developping
plugins for ASM development, for Hex files viewers and editors. The
aim is to create a true MPLab IDE alternative (Multiplateform and Open
Source !!!).

The roadmap is as is (percentage of already done work are given):

March 1st, 2006 : First alpha version
- IDE with Project management, (100% finished)
- MultiFile format support :  Hex (Hex8, Hex16, Hex32), BIN, Motorola
SRecord, ... (100% finished)
- Hex file viewers and editors (70% finished)

June 1st, 2006 : Second Alpha release
- Microchip ASM source code editing : code completion + code assist,
code folding, syntax highlithing (60% finished)
- Assemblers Interface with : MPASM under windows and GPasm suite
under Linux (100% finished for MPASM, 0% for GPasm)
- Interfacing with different programmers (100% JDM/ 100% TAIT, 0%
Picstart perhaps using GPIPC can be done quikly)
- (perhaps interfacing with open source projects for interface with
PicKit2 and ICD2)

November 1st, 2006 : First Beta
- Pic (and perhaps DsPic) simulators (0% done)
- debugging support (0%)
- C compilers intefacing (SDCC, PICC-FreeEdition, GCC for DSPic) 0%
- First release of my Own Open Source Pascal compiler for DSPic's and
Pic24 (fully written in Java about 50% complete)

January 1st, 2007 : perhaps First Official release (if all work is finished).

Are there people interrested in contributing to development (this will
speeds up devs)?

Pre-Requisites :
- Very well knowledge of JAVA + Eclipse + JNI (Java Native Interface)
- Very well knowledge of Eclipse Ritch Client Plateform (RCP)
- Very well knowledge of Eclipse plugins development
- Good practice with JUnits and Design Patterns
- Very good knowledge of Pic mcu's and Pic development tools (MPLab
IDE, MPASM, C, ...)


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