gnupic: GNUPIC or not GNUPIC?

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Subject: Re: GNUPIC or not GNUPIC?
From: Ulf Jordan ####@####.####
Date: 11 Apr 2001 09:22:39 -0000
Message-Id: <>

The question about the name of the project might seem unimportant, but there
can also be some interesting implications.

If GNUPIC was part of the GNU project it might get more users/developers, 
since it will be easily seen as a part of the GNU system (and stable versions
reachable from their ftp sites with mirrors). Our gain. Of course the GNU 
project will gain from GNUPIC, since this would make the GNU system contain a
comprehensive, free development suite for the PIC-family of chips.

There can be an issue of philosophy/ideology too, since the FSF/GNU is 
"pushing" development of free software with a strong emphasis on freedom, see What do the developers and 
users of GNUPIC think of this?

Some reponses to the issues raised by Craig Franklin:

The basic requirement on GNU software seems to be that it should be free in
the GPL sense, and that will probably not be a big issue for GNUPIC project.

I don't feel that the GNU coding standards would pose a big problem, most of
them are just recommendations on how to write good programmes (not imposing
arbitrary limits on buffers and so on), and the work of conforming to them
can probably be done successively along with the normal development/upgrade.
Also on the GNU site they says *please*, not *you must* conform to the 

Just renaming GNUPIC to GPIC without any special meaning of "G" is a fast and 
feasible method of solving the problem, without tying our hands for the future.
The only thing that might be missed is the possible synergetic effects of
coordination with the GNU project for the moment.

Ulf Jordan

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Craig Franklin wrote:

> The GNU police are about to knock down my front door!!!!  I can hear the theme
> to COPS in the distance.
> Do we know their requirements?  
> We would probably have to conform to their coding standards.  Not a problem
> if you are starting a new project.  It could be a headache for us.  This is
> one of several issues that would require substantial number of man-hours.
> Considering the size of our development team, I think our users are better
> served by improving the applications instead of conforming to an arbitrary
> standard. 
> Out of respect for the FSF, I say we redefine the acronym for the programs
> and get on with life. 
> I am thinking the "G" in GPASM/GPSIM stands for ...
> (drum roll)
> "G".
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, you wrote:
> > That is a question. I got this from Bradley M. Kuhn ####@####.#### today:
> > 
> > 
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > Hello, Scott.  I am the vice president of the Free Software Foundation,                                      
> > writing you on behalf of the GNU project.                                                                    
> >                                                                                                              
> > Someone recently told us about James Bowman's project, GNU PIC, which                                        
> > according to the web page, you have taken over.                                                              
> >                                                                                                              
> > Everyone is permitted to released software under the GNU GPL without our                                     
> > permission, and we are happy when they do.  However, we do not usually                                       
> > permit developers to call their software "GNU" unless they have made                                         
> > official arrangements with us to do so.                                                                      
> >                                                                                                              
> > Likely James chose the name as a tribute to us, and that is                                                  
> > understandable, and we appreciate it.  However, we would like to now go                                      
> > through the formal arrangements to have GNU PIC be made into an official a                                   
> > GNU program (                                     
> >                                                                                                              
> > Would you like to begin this process?                                                                        
> >                                                                                                              
> > In the meantime, we would appreciate it if you'd note on the website and                                     
> > the mailing lists that GNU PIC is not yet officially GNU software.                                           
> >                                                                                                              
> >                                                                                                              
> > Of course, you are under no obligation to make "GNU PIC" officially into                                     
> > GNU software.  However, we ask that you change the name to something else                                    
> > if you choose not to make it part of GNU.                                                                    
> >                                                                                                              
> > I look forward to hearing from you.                                                                          
> >                                        
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > 
> > I quite frankly don't care one way or the other if we're sanctioned by the
> > official "GNU" or not. However, my ambivalence can be easily swayed.
> > 
> > Anyone care to comment on this? Would it make everyone feel good if we got
> > FSF's blessing?
> > 
> > Scott
> > 
> > 
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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