gnupic: [fwd] gpsim - A comment about lcd update.

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Subject: [fwd] gpsim - A comment about lcd update.
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 7 May 2001 15:41:59 -0000
Message-Id: <>

FYI: Here's someone putting gpsim through the paces - and it's working (mostly)!
In addition, Salvador has submitted three patches in the last month and a half
to add features and fix bugs in gpsim. He's also working on fixing the
"annoyances" he that he describes below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 17:55:26 -0300
From: salvador ####@####.####
To: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Subject: A comment about lcd update.

Hi Scott:

  Is cool to see how useful gpsim is, some days ago I wrote the interrupts
handle routine of my application in one coding session. No stops to verify
if it works or is ok. It isn't a big deal, but is 104 instructions that
handles the timing of some external signals, does periodic aquisition with
the A/D y some defined times, averages the values, handles a filtered button
and meassures the pressed time in seconds. Well, the thing is that I coded
it, then simulated the code, found a couple of bugs (wrong timing and
averaging 7 instead of 8 aquisitions). And then put it in the chip and got
it working just like in my desktop ;-)
  Anyways, the mail is to tell you that I found a small annoyiance in the
lcd module. Unlike led module if I run the simulator without stopping it the
lcd is never updated. After comparing both modules I found that's just
because the led module registers a periodic breakpoint. I added it to the
lcd and I got it working. What's the desired behavior? Should lcd do the
  The only thing that annoys me that the period is hardcoded.
  Another stuff: what about adding a "crystal" directive to set the crystal
frequency and then inform the time (not only cycles) in the registers
viewer? Can I try it? I was forced to use a calculator to verify the timing
of my program, that's mainly because I use a 4,194 MHz crystal.
  A comment: The simulator runs the code more than twice the speed of the
PIC even when the leds, source code and lcd are updated periodically. Of
course the machine is fast, but is the average computer that people buys
today (K7 750 MHz).

Regards, SET

Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). (Electronics Engineer)
Visit my home page: or
Alternative e-mail: ####@####.#### ####@####.####
Address: Curapaligue 2124, Caseros, 3 de Febrero
Buenos Aires, (1678), ARGENTINA Phone: +(5411) 4759 0013

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