gnupic: gpsim pinout window

Previous by date: 24 Jan 2000 23:52:01 -0000 Re: gpsim pinout window, Scott Dattalo
Next by date: 24 Jan 2000 23:52:01 -0000 Re: gpsim pinout window, Ralf Forsberg
Previous in thread: 24 Jan 2000 23:52:01 -0000 Re: gpsim pinout window, Scott Dattalo
Next in thread: 24 Jan 2000 23:52:01 -0000 Re: gpsim pinout window, Ralf Forsberg

Subject: Re: gpsim pinout window
From: James Cameron ####@####.####
Date: 24 Jan 2000 23:52:01 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Sun, Jan 23, 2000 at 03:59:56PM +0100, Ralf Forsberg wrote:
> I'm starting coding a gui version of "processor pins"
> Here's what I have now:

At first glance, it should be rotated clockwise by 90 degrees.

> The arrows will indicate input/output, and pins without
> arrows are non-io pins.

Presumably that is current state rather than design state?
Sometimes I make a pin change between input and output low.

> But the cli command shows pin names also, and that won't fit here,
> unless I put them somewhere outside the pic.

Have them appear as tooltips?  The most important legend would be
the pin names (e.g. RA4) rather than the package pin numbers.

> Or is it better to turn the pic 90 degrees and put the names inside
> the "casing", like it is in the cli output?
> Or a statusbar?
> Would colors help in some way?

        red = high output
        green = low output
        blue = normal input
        yellow = weak pull-up input

> Pins are toggled by doubleclicking on them. Should I limit input so
> that only input pins are toggleable?

No.  I may need to simulate some situations in which an output pin is
being held high or low despite the driver latch not agreeing.

> Is there a point in having clicks on the arrows change the tris
> registers?

Not sure.

Warning: I'm not really sure what the "processor pins" feature does.

James Cameron   ####@####.####

Previous by date: 24 Jan 2000 23:52:01 -0000 Re: gpsim pinout window, Scott Dattalo
Next by date: 24 Jan 2000 23:52:01 -0000 Re: gpsim pinout window, Ralf Forsberg
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Next in thread: 24 Jan 2000 23:52:01 -0000 Re: gpsim pinout window, Ralf Forsberg

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