gnupic: Re: [gnupic] SDCC 2.6.0, finds pic14 header files but not pic16

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] SDCC 2.6.0, finds pic14 header files but not pic16
From: Dan Andersson ####@####.####
Date: 3 Aug 2006 13:49:49 +0100
Message-Id: <>

On Thursday 03 August 2006 13:02, Dave Tweed wrote:
> mengjin su ####@####.#### wrote:
> > I did a testing using SDCC (v2.5.0?).  I feel the code efficiency
> > is not satisfying.  Here is the test C code I wrote:
> >
> > void strcpy (char *des, char *src)
> > {
> >     while ( (*des++ = *src++) ) {}
> > }
> >
> > The assembly code SDCC generated is
> >
> > ; ; Starting pCode block
> > S_main__strcpy	code
> > _strcpy:
> > ;	.line	11; main.c	void strcpy (char *des, char *src)
> > 	MOVFF	FSR2L, POSTDEC1     ; update stack frame pointer
> > 	MOVFF	r0x00, POSTDEC1     ; save registers we want to use
> > 	MOVFF	r0x01, POSTDEC1
> > 	MOVFF	r0x02, POSTDEC1
> > 	MOVFF	r0x03, POSTDEC1
> > 	MOVFF	r0x04, POSTDEC1
> > 	MOVFF	r0x05, POSTDEC1
> > 	MOVFF	r0x06, POSTDEC1
> > 	MOVLW	0x02                ; copy arguments to registers
> > 	MOVFF	PLUSW2, r0x00
> > 	MOVLW	0x03
> > 	MOVFF	PLUSW2, r0x01
> > 	MOVLW	0x04
> > 	MOVFF	PLUSW2, r0x02
> > 	MOVLW	0x05
> > 	MOVFF	PLUSW2, r0x03
> > 	MOVLW	0x06
> > 	MOVFF	PLUSW2, r0x04
> > 	MOVLW	0x07
> > 	MOVFF	PLUSW2, r0x05
> > _00105_DS_:
> > ;	.line	13; main.c	while ( (*des++ = *src++) ) {}
> > 	MOVFF	r0x03, FSR0L        ; get src pointer
> > 	MOVFF	r0x04, PRODL
> > 	MOVF	r0x05, W
> > 	CALL	__gptrget1          ; get the byte it points to
> > 	MOVWF	r0x06
> > 	INCF	r0x03, F            ; increment src pointer
> > 	INCF	r0x04, F
> > 	INCF	r0x05, F
> > 	MOVFF	r0x06, POSTDEC1     ; push byte on stack for __gptrput1()
> > 	MOVFF	r0x00, FSR0L        ; get des pointer
> > 	MOVFF	r0x01, PRODL
> > 	MOVF	r0x02, W
> > 	CALL	__gptrput1          ; store the byte it points to
> > 	INCF	r0x00, F            ; increment des pointer
> > 	INCF	r0x01, F
> > 	INCF	r0x02, F
> > 	MOVF	r0x06, W            ; test byte for zero
> > 	GOTO	_00105_DS_
> > 	MOVFF	PREINC1, r0x06      ; restore saved regsiters
> > 	MOVFF	PREINC1, r0x05
> > 	MOVFF	PREINC1, r0x04
> > 	MOVFF	PREINC1, r0x03
> > 	MOVFF	PREINC1, r0x02
> > 	MOVFF	PREINC1, r0x01
> > 	MOVFF	PREINC1, r0x00
> > 	MOVFF	PREINC1, FSR2L      ; restore stack frame pointer
> >
> > What do you think?
> Having looked at lots of compiler-generated code for lots of different
> 8-bit processors, I think it looks quite reasonable, given that the C
> code, as written, is perfectly general. (See the annotations above.)
> This means that the compiler must use 3-byte pointers and generic
> memory access routines like __gptrget1() and __gptrput1(), because it
> doesn't know whether the pointers point to RAM, EERPOM or Flash PROM
> (code memory).
> On processors with multiple memory spaces, you must be careful to take
> advantage of whatever storage class qualifiers the compiler provides on
> both variables and the pointers that point to them, in order to give
> the compiler the information it needs to produce more highly optimized
> code.
> I know nothing about the details of SDCC for the PIC, but if there's a
> way to tell it that both of the pointers can only point to objects in
> on-chip RAM, I'm sure the generated code will look much better to you.
> -- Dave Tweed

Or, if it's a timecritical application, write inline assembler!



Dan Andersson, M0DFI
####@####.####                         ####@####.####

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