gnupic: Digest version of mailing list

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Subject: Digest version of mailing list
From: Alex Holden ####@####.####
Date: 21 May 2001 15:10:59 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi, it's just come to my attention that most people do not realise that
the Gnupic mailing list is also available in digest form (there are only 2
subscribers to the digest version currently ;). If you would rather
receive the digest version of the list, unsubscribe from the full feed
by sending a blank message to ####@####.#### then
resubscribe to the digest version by sending a blank message to
####@####.#### You will then receive a digest
with the accumulated messages since the last digest every 48 hours, 30
messages, or 64K of message body text (whichever comes first).

------- Alex Holden -------

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