gnupic: Re: [gnupic] What after flashing a pic?

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] What after flashing a pic?
From: Pierre GAUFILLET ####@####.####
Date: 17 Sep 2006 21:59:15 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Hi Antonia,

####@####.#### a écrit :
> Hello pierre,
> No I didn't try out your project because of being too complex for me. I used instead Byron's Jeff programmer, though as soon as I start gettin into this I want to dig into your project more in deep.
Could you explain what stopped you ? Reports are interesting to improve
"user friendliness" :-)
> The bootfile I've flashed into the pic is the file I exported as hex from mplab's project USB_Bootloader_Setup.EXE, and now I'm trying to make something like this work from linux:
> So I can start doing things like blinking leds and the like, and at least have some first experience about the whole process "the simplier way".

> However I'd first like to be able to use libusb to connect to the pic, and for example retrieve some info.  As far as I've been reading, whether I want the kernel to recognize the pic it's bootcode needs to be assigned vendor and product's id. I've seen these within the known ids.
> What I don't know if is the usb driver your refer is already present on my pic (due to the bootfile I loaded it with) or if it should be an application flashed on top of the boot-code, can you be a bit more explicit on this or to point me somewhere I can get more info on the subject?
A USB bootloader does not have any sens if it does not manage USB
connections... So I think you do not need an application code basically.
If you are not sure about that point regarding your bootloader (unclear
specification for example), you should have a look to its source code.
Somewhere, you should find a routine processing the GET_DESCRIPTOR USB
> I've been looking at fsusb's code, though I'm lost in where software desing meets hardware. Could I reuse your usb driver freely in case I already haven't got it? or it is dependent of an specific hardware configuration?
Of course you can. Puf is under a LGPL.
As long as you respect this licence (roughly you have to release your
puf changes source code when you release the corresponding binary code,
and it has no impact on your application : you can release your source
code or not), you can use it.
You could also have a look to
<> . It is a
simple USB test application derived from puf.
The USB test board you are using is very similar to ours (schema
available on our site). You probably only have to do minor configuration
stuff (PIC configuration : I use a 4MHz crystal, and you are using a
20MHz. An other option is to replace your 20MHz quartz by a 4Mhz. PUF
should runs out of the box, then). Note that RA0 is used to flash a led
when the pic boots.


Previous by date: 17 Sep 2006 21:59:15 +0100 Re: [gnupic] pikdev crashes, Maxim Wexler
Next by date: 17 Sep 2006 21:59:15 +0100 Questions, William Estrada
Previous in thread: 17 Sep 2006 21:59:15 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What after flashing a pic?, Xiaofan Chen
Next in thread: 17 Sep 2006 21:59:15 +0100 Re: [gnupic] What after flashing a pic?, Xiaofan Chen

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