gnupic: troubles in compiling gpsim

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Subject: Re: troubles in compiling gpsim
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 2 Jul 2001 21:11:56 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Vincent Besse wrote:

> Hi
> I've tried to compile gpsim 0.20.0... :-(. It refuses to "make all".
> I've installed gtk+extra0.99.9 and eXdbm0.1.0b2 without problem. Here's
> what I get :


There have been changes in the readline library that have broken gpsim. Here's
what I suggest you do:

Get and install the latest version of gtk+extra:

It's up to version 0.99.15. (I'm using 0.99.14).

Get the latest "development" version of gpsim:

I only it call it a "development" version because I haven't taken the time to
make a formal release (even though I've promised to do so at least two times in
the recent past...)

The version of eXdbm should be just fine.

The latest version of gpsim fixes API incompatibilities that have cropped up in
the readline and gtkextra libraries. I have not tried to use this latest version
of gpsim with an old readline library and I do not at what point the readline
library became incompatible (but I suspect it was the 4.0 release).

Please try this out and let me know if you have any more troubles installing.


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