gnupic: Re: [gnupic] COD file format

Previous by date: 2 Mar 2007 18:13:37 +0000 Re: [gnupic] COD file format, William Couture
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Subject: Re: [gnupic] COD file format
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 2 Mar 2007 18:13:37 +0000
Message-Id: <>

David Barnett wrote:
> Apparently the COD file format is proprietary ByteCraft information, but gputils uses the COD format.  Did we request information from ByteCraft, reverse engineer the format, or something else?  I can't see how ByteCraft would release proprietary information to us since the source code would be pretty revealing.
> David
Hi David,

Several years ago when I added COD format support to gpasm, I sought and 
obtained permission from Walter Banks to use ByteCraft's proprietary COD 


Previous by date: 2 Mar 2007 18:13:37 +0000 Re: [gnupic] COD file format, William Couture
Next by date: 2 Mar 2007 18:13:37 +0000 Re: [gnupic] COD file format, David Barnett
Previous in thread: 2 Mar 2007 18:13:37 +0000 Re: [gnupic] COD file format, William Couture
Next in thread: 2 Mar 2007 18:13:37 +0000 Re: [gnupic] COD file format, David Barnett

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