gnupic: Re: [gnupic] gpsimWin32

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] gpsimWin32
From: "David Barnett" ####@####.####
Date: 2 May 2007 14:54:00 +0100
Message-Id: <005a01c78cc1$532cf320$2001a8c0@barnett2>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tamas Rudnai" ####@####.####
To: ####@####.####
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 8:16 AM
Subject: [gnupic] gpsimWin32

> Hi Lads,
> I've just tried out gpsimWin32 on my XP box, and when I'd like to load and
> see the source code it just does not display it in the window. If I try to
> see the source code using list command, it says:
> ...
> Warning, you need to upgrade to gputils-0.13.0 or higher
> (Your assembler version is  MPASM)
> p10F202 is not a valid processor.
> (try 'processor list' to see a list of valid processors.
You paid too much attention to the wrong errors.  The ones above are 

gpsim has trouble with output files produced by MPASM (except maybe much 
older versions of MPASM).  You will notice that if you type 'proc list', 
pic10f202 is listed, but it's saying p10F202 is not a valid processor.  One 
of the differences with the newer MPASM is the upper/lower-case of the proc 
name.  gpsim supports "pic10f202", "PIC10F202", "p10f202", and "P10F202" 
(IIRC), but *not* "p10F202" (notice the mixed case).

Install gputils for windows and gputils-mplab from  Then select gputils as the MPLAB 
language toolsuite and reassemble your project.  That should solve your 

> ...
> 2. What does it mean HLL? I've written my code fully in Assembly
That isn't an error, just a message that prints for everyone.  It tells you 
gpsim doesn't know about high level language files for debugging, so it 
wouldn't trace through your original C source code if you did the project in 


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