gnupic: Re: [gnupic] how to program a dspic using only piklab-prog?

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] how to program a dspic using only piklab-prog?
From: Nicolas ####@####.####
Date: 27 Jul 2007 15:09:30 +0100
Message-Id: <>

On 6/29/07, John Steele Scott ####@####.#### wrote:
>   Set target self powered: true
> Warning: It is not recommended to power dsPICs from ICD. Continue anyway?
> *no*
> I don't think this warning should appear, because I have specified that the
> target is self powered, and I don't have a transformer plugged into the
> ICD2.

That should be fixed in current development sources.

Rob Pearce ####@####.#### :
> > John Steele Scott wrote:
> >
> > Piklab fails in the same way if the configuration option "Program all
> > memory even if not needed" is not set. So I guess I need to know how to
> > tell this to piklab-prog.
> >
> That sounds like a bug - when you ask it only to program what's in the HEX
> image, it still tries to verify the rest of memory. You should probably raise
> it on the Piklab bug tracker.

Well the memory is still being erased prior to programming (I assume
the ICD2 sends the specific command to make a chip erase in the case
of 30F)...
There could be another option to verify only the programmed memory for
speed purpose.

As for the John's problem, I don't know the cause of it. I assume that
if he does an erase and then a blank check, there is an error. Do
MPLAB correctly blank the device?
And there is no similar option in piklab-prog to "Program all memory..."


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