gnupic: Re: [gnupic] GPasm maint

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] GPasm maint
From: David ####@####.####
Date: 4 Jul 2008 17:26:46 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Fri, 04 Jul 2008 18:04:55 +0200
Rob Hamerling ####@####.#### wrote:

> Hi David,
> ...
> About building GPASM: I got a couple of warnings. This might be
> related to the compiler I use, or related the macro defines like
> HAVE_MALLOC_H, etc) in my makefile. Most warnings do not worry me
> (like missing prototype for unlink). There is one that may be
> important:
> > parse.c(422): Warning! W129: #endif matches #if in different source
> > file 'parse.y'
> I think there must be an '#endif' missing in parse.y
There aren't any #if's in parse.y, and I can't find anything mismatched
in any of the included files. Did you edit stdhdr.h? You mentioned
problems with HAVE_MALLOC_H, and there's a double #if/#endif around a
reference to HAVE_MALLOC_H in stdhdr.h. Is it possible you got confused

> Probably an issue with optimisation of LibGPUtils:
> > gpcoffgen.c(434): Warning! W124: Comparison result always 0
> > gpcoffgen.c(447): Warning! W124: Comparison result always 0
> > gpprocessor.c(649): Warning! W124: Comparison result always 0
> > gpprocessor.c(668): Warning! W124: Comparison result always 0
On this I have no idea, but the code does look a little suspicious w/
the values it's comparing.

> An error I 'circumvented' by excluding vsnprintf from the library
> > vsnprintf.c(42): Error! E1055: Unable to open 'config.h'
> I cannot find 'config.h', nor do I see any possible macro definition
> to prevent it being included.
config.h is supposed to be auto-generated from when you
run ./configure.

The #v() issue isn't *exactly* what's reported in bug #1250441, but
it falls under the same heading. Notice how I said "...the #v syntax for
gpasm currently only works for actual "symbols" and *not* defines."
ERROR and MESSG directives are treated almost the same way as #defines,
so gpasm just can't handle your usage quite right. I've been hacking
away at parsing problems like this one, but I've gotten bogged down
pretty badly in parsing hell. Not sure how it'll turn out.


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