gnupic: problems with timer0/interrupts

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Subject: problems with timer0/interrupts
From: Lope Vega ####@####.####
Date: 3 Sep 2008 12:56:27 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi guys,

Thanks so much Robert, first of all. Both your code about table reads worked out of the box, and were also right about my missunderstanding of the variables' thing.

I didn't think of trying to declare it as global and then try to use it in other modules.

I'm having a problem now with interrupts/timer0.

As petter suggested, I've started scanning 3 seven segment displays on my app's main function, while using interrupts to update a counter upon a switch's press/debounce.

Then, what did was to setup interrupts for RB4:7 pins' state change, and within it's processing function, try to use timer0 to debounce the switch.

However, when I program the device and place it on it's side of the breadboard, it seems the pic falls into the interrupt, and that the timer0 polling causes it to recurse into it undefinetely.

I'm gonna paste the relevant part of the code for if anyone want to give me some explanation.

this is my main file:

        ;; variables                                                                        
main_vars       udata
        ;; main counter                                                                     
counter         res     1
        ;; temp variables                                                                   
digit           res     1
aux             res     1

        ;; imported symbols                                                                 
        extern  hp_interrupt
        ;; a table read function, with a `movwf segments_port'
        ;; at the end of it
        extern  display  

        ;; exported symbols                                                                 
        global  counter
        global  digit

        ;; reset vector                                                                     
reset_vector    code    0x0
        goto    main

        ;; high-priority interrupt vector                                                   
_hp_interrupt   code    0x8
        goto    hp_interrupt

        ;; app's entry point                                                                
        ;; ports' setup                                                                     

        ;; porta                                                                            
        clrf    porta
        clrf    trisa

        ;; portb, here I'm supossed to have a switch which is
        ;; active-low, thus, when pressed goes low, and this 
        ;; ports' setup seems to be giving me problems also
        clrf    latb
        movlw   0xff
        movwf   trisb

        ;; portc                                                                            
        clrf    latc
        clrf    trisc

        ;; portd                                                                            
        clrf    latd
        clrf    trisd

        ;; porte                                                                            
        clrf    late
        clrf    trise

        ;; interrupts                                                                       

        ;; enable rb pins change interrupt, and it's pullups                                                  
        bsf     intcon, rbie
        bcf     intcon2, rbpu

        ;; clear it's flag bit                                                              
        bcf     intcon, rbif

        ;; disable tmr0 interrupt                                                           
        bcf     intcon, tmr0ie

        ;; setup timer0: internal clock, 8 bits, prescale 1:64                              
        movlw   b'01000101'
        movwf   t0con

        ;; globally enable interrupts                                                       
        bsf     intcon, gie

        ;; just loop, I acutally have code here for decomposing
        ;; `counter' so I can display it on the segment leds
        ;; (leading 0's not being displayed)
        goto start

and this is my `interrupts.s' file:

        ;; variables                                                                        
int_vars        udata
        ;; these for high-priority interrupts                                               
hp_w            res     1
hp_bsr          res     1
hp_status       res     1

        ;; imported symbols                                                                 
        extern  counter

        ;; exported symbols                                                                 
        global  hp_interrupt

        ;; rb* interrupt-handler                                                            
_handle_rb_interrupt    code
        ;; clear it's flag bit                                                               
        bcf     intcon, rbif

        ;; clear tmr0 and it's flag bit within `intcon', 
        ;; and turn it on                     
        clrf    tmr0l
        bcf     intcon, tmr0if
        bsf     t0con, tmr0on

        ;; check for the flag bit being set as a result of an
        ;; overflow on the timer
        btfss   intcon, tmr0if
        goto    loop

        ;; then increment `counter' (should wait and debounce
        ;; the switch's release also)                                                              
        banksel counter
        incf    counter, f

        ;; toggle on a led used as feedback @ rc0
        btg     latc, rc0

        ;; turn off the timer
        bcf     t0con, tmr0on

        ;; and return
        retlw   0

        ;; high-priority interrupt vector                                                  
__hp_interrupt  code
        ;; save registers' status. I don't know if I'd be using
        ;; also low priorities, so better to go this way just in
        ;; case (datasheet says `retfie fast' could be 
        ;; unreliable if so) 
        movwf   hp_w
        movff   bsr, hp_bsr
        movff   status, hp_status

        ;; if the interrupt was caused by a change on rb4:7, go 
        ;; to it's processing function
        btfsc   intcon, rbif
        call    handle_rb_interrupt

        movff   hp_bsr, bsr
        movf    hp_w, w
        movff   hp_status, status
        retfie  0x0

I tried with another led on ra0 and a `btfsc intcon, tmr0if btg lata, ra0' above, so what is happening that tmr0 is causing the chip to vector to 0x8 even when I explictly disabled it.

Shouldn't be `tmr0if' just set, and not cause the chip to vector?



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