gnupic: Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580

Previous by date: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000 Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580, Vaclav Peroutka
Next by date: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000 Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580, David Barnett
Previous in thread: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000 Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580, Vaclav Peroutka
Next in thread: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000 Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580, David Barnett

Subject: Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580
From: Robert Pearce ####@####.####
Date: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:35:39 +0100 (CET)
Vaclav Peroutka ####@####.#### wrote:

> I had to edit it manually and then run GPASM. In the attached ZIP there are "main.manual.asm" and "main.manual.lst" files. There is code_pack directive. But as you can see in LST, there is no change - still bad location of 0x7B code.
> I compiled it ( and then renamed LST) with 
> > gpasm.exe -DSDCC_MODEL_SMALL -DSTACK_MODEL_SMALL -c "main.manual.asm" -o "main.o"
OK, I've tried it here, and it does seem gpasm can't begin a new code
section at an odd address, even when marked "packed". This looks like a
bug, so you should raise it in the gputils bug system. I'm not involved
with gputils development, so somebody else needs to look into it.


Previous by date: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000 Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580, Vaclav Peroutka
Next by date: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000 Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580, David Barnett
Previous in thread: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000 Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580, Vaclav Peroutka
Next in thread: 19 Feb 2009 21:51:37 -0000 Re: [gnupic] Bug in GPUTILS ? Write to EEPROM for P18F2580, David Barnett

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