gnupic: SPASM - a MPASM behave alike

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Subject: SPASM - a MPASM behave alike
From: Holger Rapp ####@####.####
Date: 6 Jun 2009 12:52:10 -0000
Message-Id: <>


I spent some time hacking on a PIC assembler implementation in pure  
python. You can find my efforts here:

I'd really like opinions from you guys. You did a terrific job with  
gpasm which helped me a lot. But I needed complete
macro support and #defines with arguments.

Following are the feature list and how to install it as python newbie.

Feature list:
- Support for all chips that gpasm supports
- Support for #defines with arguments
- Full support of Macro definitions
- Full support of #v(val) substitutions

No implemented:
- Support for EEPROM device programming. EEPROM8s might work,  
EEPROMS16 quite
   surely not
- Support for LIST file generation
- Support for relocatable output
- 18* support is very sparse, since there weren't many test cases in  
the testsuite of microchip. Things like
config A=1 are not supported but could easily be added.

How to install:
- have python installed
- get the PLY library (under mac os/linux try $ ./easy_install ply),  
python-ply package in debian/ubuntu; You need a recent version (>3.0)
- get bzr (versioning tool like svn; also try $ ./easy_install bzr),  
package bzr in debian/ubuntu.
- get spasm: $ bzr get lp:spasm
- $ cd spasm
- $ python build (this might take a while)
- $./ <your assembler file>

I won't have time to continue development in the nearer future,  
therefore I release it as is into the public with the hope someone
will continue on it. I will obviously provide any help I can.


Previous by date: 6 Jun 2009 12:52:10 -0000 Re: PIC32 development under Linux and Mac OS X, Xiaofan Chen
Next by date: 6 Jun 2009 12:52:10 -0000 Re: [gnupic] SPASM - a MPASM behave alike, David Barnett
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