gnupic: Re: [gnupic] Begining PIC

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] Begining PIC
From: Peter Restall ####@####.####
Date: 25 Jun 2009 11:03:45 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 04:39:53 -0600, Kerry Miller wrote:

> I read with great interest your ideas for PIC development I too am being 
> interested in how to get started.  I run Linux-x86_64 Fedora 11 with the 
> GNOME desktop I looked into pk2cmd and it said KDE Desktop to me.  I 
> know that a lot of programs will run on either Desktop but this one 
> specifies KDE like it uses KDE libraries.  Clarification please?

Good Morning Kerry.

I use pk2cmd and I'm running Ubuntu (which is a Gnome-based desktop).  The
utility itself is a command-line based tool, so it should run under both.

And even if you do try installing a KDE-based application, your package
manager should install the KDE library dependencies (if you don't already have
them installed - chances are you have most of them from some other apps that
use them anyway).

The only thing you generally notice when running KDE apps on a Gnome system
is the user interface doesn't seem to match - ie. buttons different sizes to
other applications, that sort of thing; but this happens all the time anyway
due to all the different WMs the X Window System supports.  There are most
likely exceptions to this rule that will not run between environments due to
some dependency on some service or what not, but I'm struggling to think of
one - no doubt somebody else can.

Oh, and 64-bit systems don't work terribly reliably with the C30 compiler
from Microchip (and possibly their other compilers) - they've been written for
32-bit systems and have datatype size assumptions.  I found this out to my
cost :(  Unless you're using PIC24 or dsPICs you probably don't care about
this anyway - I use gpasm for the smaller devices and have had no problems
with that.


Pete Restall

Previous by date: 25 Jun 2009 11:03:45 -0000 Re: [gnupic] PK2 resources for beginners who would like to achieve something, Samuel Tardieu
Next by date: 25 Jun 2009 11:03:45 -0000 Re: [gnupic] PK2 resources for beginners who would like to achieve something, Peter Keller
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