gnupic: MPLAB-ICD interface

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Subject: Re: MPLAB-ICD interface
From: Geir Thomassen ####@####.####
Date: 16 Oct 2001 12:55:37 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Fred W. Sauer wrote:

> Do you know of anyone who has written a software program that will 
> communicate with the MPLAB-ICD.  I do not have the resources to purchase a 
> programmer this year and it would be nice to be able to down load a 
> compiled file to the MPLAB-ICD without opening MPLAB and the associated 
> project to program the PIC16F87# family of parts.
> Thanks for your time and effort!

Yes I have, point your browser to

I am going to release a new version RSN, which can be compiled for

Windows also (icdprog was initially written for linux).

Have fun


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