gnupic: [GNUPIC:] gpsim

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Subject: Re: [GNUPIC:] gpsim
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 29 Oct 2001 20:32:03 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Michael Shiloh wrote:

> hello gnupic,
> after a long time away from PICs i've just installed the
> latest gpsim, v. 0.20.12. thanks scott and ralf for all your
> hard work.
> i'm invoking gpsim with:
>   gpsim -ppic16c63 8ch_ver2.hex
> and i've compiled my source with the hitech picc
> i have a couple of questions:
> (1)
> i must be doing something very stupid, because my source
> window comes up empty.

Hex files don't have any symbolic info and hence no source.

> (2)
> according to the documentation i can invoke with a symbol
> file by saying:
>   gpsim -ppic16c63 8ch_ver2.hex -c8ch_ver2.cod

actually the -c is -s

> but doing so yields the error:
>   gpsim> ***ERROR: parse error, expecting `STRING'
> perhaps is a hitech picc ".cod" file different from a microchip or
> gpasm ".cod" file?

I'd be surprised if gpsim could load the hitech generated .cod files.
Someone once sent a patch that would hack the DOS paths into unix paths.
The "C:" (or D:, etc) is just stripped, and the '\' are converted to '/'.

If you have no idea what hitech is using for the DOS paths, then you can
look at the contents of the .cod file with the utility "gpvc" (formerly
vc). This is distributed as part of gpasm now.


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