gnupic: gpsim todo list (wishlist)

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Subject: gpsim todo list (wishlist)
From: ####@####.####
Date: 3 Dec 2001 19:31:31 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Does anyone have a pet peeve?

In no order whatsoever:

 * Saving breakpoints,watches,more between startups opening the same file.
 * Create a window for breakpoints.
 * Enable loading (replacing) new files without need to quit in between.
   This implies freeing memory that are allocated.
 * Improve the program memory disassembly output. Add menus and stuff.
 * Create a window that displays a dynamically built call tree. It'd tell
   "from which addresses is this routine called", "how many times has it
   been called", "which subroutines are called from this routine".
   Essentially it's about monitoring stack changes and states/changes
   before and after.
 * A way to add symbols to a simulation session, makes it easier to
   debug and follow plain .hex files.
 * Display code coverage in the source windows. The data is there as a
   counter in the instruction class, incremented when the instruction is
   called (if profiling is enabled), it just has to be presented somehow.
 * An improved source window, making it easier to select symbols and
   perhaps display data values using some kind of popup tooltips. C
   source coloring/styling. Use some other widget.
 * An improved watch window, supporting any width of data.
 * A simplified way for connecting modules with each other, and perhaps
   even display any gtk windows inside this imagined window. It'd use one 
   of the gtk based canvases out there (gnomecanvas, gtkcanvas or even 
   diacanvas). Diacanvas implements tracks and boxes, and connecting them
   together, this should help a lot.
 * A waveform viewer. It should support both analog and digital data.
 * A serial port module, enabling you to connect a terminal to the serial
   port and talk to your simulated pic. And/or use some software terminal.
 * She is not a bad cook, she is microwave compatible. 
 * Cummulative profiling. Add subroutine's exe time to routine's exe time.
 * Routine timing measurements. Sometimes it'd be interesting to see
   for example max/min/average number of cycles used for routine x (I'm
   working on this now). It could also be interesting to see the period of
   the calls of routine x. These two measurements can be displayed on a
   histogram using gtkplot.
 * Menu item to save the data from plots to text files.
 * Add "[HLL-label + 0xnnnn]" in stack window.
 * Compile with -Wall and fix warnings.
 * Support for ICD.
 * Exponential Y-axis for axis representing cycles in the profile plot.

 / Ralf

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