gnupic: Problem Compiling gpsim

Previous by date: 17 Feb 2000 13:32:17 -0000 Problem Compiling gpsim, Axel Wachtler
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Previous in thread: 17 Feb 2000 13:32:17 -0000 Problem Compiling gpsim, Axel Wachtler
Next in thread: 17 Feb 2000 13:32:17 -0000 Problem compiling gpsim, Rodrigo Rojas

Subject: Re: Problem Compiling gpsim
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 17 Feb 2000 13:32:17 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Axel Wachtler wrote:
> Hallo Everybody,
>  I just downloaded the gpsim,
>  ./configure --disable-gui --disable-shared
>  runs trough, but when I
>  make
>  it is trying to compile in gtksheet directory. I am unable
>  to find the reason why, its a quite complex makefile.
>  Configuring with GUI and gtklibs installed for SuSe Linux 6.0
>  results in some GTK_xxx Symbols not found in gtk_bordercombo.c
>  What can I do to get gpsim running without gui ?
>  Best Regards
>  Also running by hand true the subdirs and typing make brings success
>  except for gui and gtksheets directories..

Someone else has also reported this problem. There's a bug in the Makefile
(actually that I need to fix. 

I obviously didn't test this for 0.18.0... You've got a couple of options:

1) Wait a day or two for me to fix it (or fix it yourself and submit a patch :)
2) Go back 0.17.0 where this problem didn't exist afaik.
3) Go ahead and install the gui tools (gtk and gtkextra) but configure with the
gui disabled. This will should build gpsim just fine. However when you run it,
no gui calls will be (or should be) made.


Previous by date: 17 Feb 2000 13:32:17 -0000 Problem Compiling gpsim, Axel Wachtler
Next by date: 17 Feb 2000 13:32:17 -0000 New processor in gpsim, Thomas Lundin
Previous in thread: 17 Feb 2000 13:32:17 -0000 Problem Compiling gpsim, Axel Wachtler
Next in thread: 17 Feb 2000 13:32:17 -0000 Problem compiling gpsim, Rodrigo Rojas

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