gnupic: Rep:Re: Unified Programmer Application???

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Subject: Rep:Re: Unified Programmer Application???
From: ####@####.####
Date: 14 Dec 2001 08:44:37 -0000
Message-Id: <>

That's looks really good. I'll take a look at it.
I would prefer it written in C, C++, but Java is fine



-----Mensaje de origen-----
De: "Kevin L. Pauba" ####@####.####
Para: Eric Molitor ####@####.####
Fecha: 14/12/01
Asunto: Re: Unified Programmer Application???

I've been working on just this sort of thing.

It's not ready for prime time but I am now using it
for 16F84s and
16F877 devices.

I've written it in Java and have separate dynamically
loadable modules
for the processor and programmer.  I currently have
written modules for
the 12C509, 16F83, 16F84, 16F84a, and 16f877 serial
devices.  I also
have support for Dontronics DT001, Prog84 and other
Tait-style parallel
port programmers.  I hope to soon add serial port
support also.

It is currently command-line based but I will soon
add a GUI that uses
the same base code so you can use either.  It also
has and interactive

It works under both Linux and Windows (although I
haven't been able to
test under Windows lately) using the JNI (Java Native
Interface, via
DLL/shared library).  The Linux version can also use
the /dev/port
device to access the parallel port without the need
for the library.  It
seems reasonably fast, it provides a hex dump of a
programmed 16F887 in
about 12 seconds (around 10 with the native code

I've released it under the GPL.  Although I'm making
some more changes
that need to be uploaded to the web site, I still
would love to have
some testers and critiques.

Take a look at and
let me know what you


On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 14:41, Eric Molitor wrote:
> I've been lurking for a little while but this is my
first post to the
> list. (So bear with my ignorant bliss and poor
> gpsim and gpasm are great applications and I've
been using them on and
> off for a little while now. It seems like gpprog is
something that
> should exist. Basically an app that takes intel hex
files and programs
> devices using a modular driver type architecture to
access the actual
> programmer. Maybe this has been addressed before,
but right now it seems
> there is basically a programming app for each style
of programmer
> (serial or pic).
> Is there a program I've missed that does this? Or
is there some
> technical reason why you couldnt move the driving
logic for each device
> into libraries and utilize one application (with
the appropriate library
> for whatever type programmer you have.) to do the
actual programming.
> Cheers,
>    Eric
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