gnupic: Re: Logo or Icon, and idea for support application.

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Subject: Re: Logo or Icon, and idea for support application.
From: Ross Mitchell ####@####.####
Date: 17 Dec 2001 10:08:15 -0000
Message-Id: <>

   Message from a lurker.
         Well I don't regard graphic arts as my strong suite, but I will 
give it a go.

         My idea is to use the english language pun of  "pic" and "pick", the
hand tool with two pointy ends and a long handle which is used for digging.
         (old joke, Q: How to confuse an Irishman ?  A: Show him two 
shovels and tell him to
take his pick ! )

         I suggest having a pick diagonally across the frame, in red.  It 
will be a unifying
concept for all the tools.  For each tool I suggest overlaying a relevant 
capital letter,
such as 'A' for assembler, 'S' for sumulator, P for program, etc.
         I will have a go at drafting these and upload them to my webspace.

The first one is at:
let me know if this is worth persevering with.
there is also an 'ico' file there
        netscape you can do a file save as with it, otherwise I could post 
a UUencode if necessary.


         On another front, I would find it very handy to have a supporting 
program which
would calculate the pic configurations and values, say have an overlay of 
the relevant pic
architecture, with ability to assign and configure various resources, also 
things like timer values for various timespans (incorporating crystal 
frequency, prescaler etc)
also baud rates.
         The output of the program would be various code snippets, showing 
what values to set
in the configuration registers etc.  It could be in the form of a skeleton 
program with values tagged
so that they could be revised, also with comments detailing which options 
were set.
         Also the ability to define priorities of interrupts and have a 
skeleton ISR created, also
present variations on how the watchdog timer can be used.
         I might have a go at this myself, does anyone have any other ideas ?

>The gnupic project could use a Logo. Anybody care to design one?

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