gnupic: Suggested improvements to gpsim

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Subject: Suggested improvements to gpsim
From: Andy ####@####.####
Date: 13 Jan 2002 17:36:39 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hash: SHA1

I have some suggestions for improvement that I would like to see in gpsim
(apologies if it is there and I haven't found it yet).  No doubt I will have
others as I get to know the application more.

What I would like to see for the watch window is the ability to drag and drop
constants from the symbol viewer into the watch window.  Failing that simply
allowing the user to rename the 'NAME' from the RAM location to whatever
symbolic name it has been given would be a major improvement.  I would also
like to see an optional ASCII column to complement the 'dec' 'hex' and
'binary' options.

In the register viewer, when clicking on a memory location it would be useful
to see its symbol name.  It does this for the likes of PCL and all the other
predefined registers, why not for the user defined RAM locations since they
are all parsed in the LST fand/or COD files?


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Previous by date: 13 Jan 2002 17:36:39 -0000 Radiometric BIM Module, Ronald Mundell
Next by date: 13 Jan 2002 17:36:39 -0000 Re: Suggested improvements to gpsim, Ralf Forsberg
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Next in thread: 13 Jan 2002 17:36:39 -0000 Re: Suggested improvements to gpsim, Ralf Forsberg

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