gnupic: Suggested improvements to gpsim

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Subject: Re: Suggested improvements to gpsim
From: Andy ####@####.####
Date: 14 Jan 2002 19:54:36 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hash: SHA1


Thanks for the suggestion to use CBLOCK.  It's a directive that I have never
thought to use before but as you pointed out it gives me exactly what I
expected to see in the RAM and Watch windows - symbol names with the RAM

Keeping track of bit names within registers would be an excellent idea but as
you say a mammoth programming task.

I agree the key to any good GUI app is consistency hence I understand your
need to include dnd for every window and option (perhaps this would be too
much effort for little gain when it could usefully be spent in other areas).
A right click menu in Symbol viewer to add a symbol to the watch window and
other appropriate windows would be a good idea.  Other elements of such a
menu might be to modify or read the value of any given register...

I look forward to ASCII in the watch window in the near future

Yours Aye


On Sunday 13 January 2002 22:59 pm, you wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 05:34:58PM +0000, Andy wrote:
> > I have some suggestions for improvement that I would like to see in gpsim
> > (apologies if it is there and I haven't found it yet). ?No doubt I will
> > have others as I get to know the application more.
> >
> > What I would like to see for the watch window is the ability to drag and
> > drop constants from the symbol viewer into the watch window.
> I think that if we want dnd in gpsim, it should be appliable throughout
> the gui, othervise its confusing. The gpsim-way is (currently) right click
> popups. I could probably add a menu item "add to watches".
> > ?Failing that simply
> > allowing the user to rename the 'NAME' from the RAM location to whatever
> > symbolic name it has been given would be a major improvement.
> Is this related to below?
> > In the register viewer, when clicking on a memory location it would be
> > useful to see its symbol name. ?It does this for the likes of PCL and all
> > the other predefined registers, why not for the user defined RAM
> > locations since they are all parsed in the LST fand/or COD files?
> If you define your variables using cblock, then (IIRC) gpasm will give
> it a 'register' type. gpsim will then use this name in the register window
> as well as in the watch window. The variable will then also show up as
> register (instead of constant) in the symbol window.
> Or did you have something else in mind?
> I don't know if there is a way for gpasm or gpsim to make this work with
> equ'ed variables. I remember discussing this somewhat with Scott once.
> It would be nice if gpsim kept track of bit names for registers too...
> One could then create more detailed displays of data. E.g. the status
> register could be displayed as "--1tpZdc" (or something).
> This could be made to work for user-defined variables too, I think.
> If you see "bsf x,y", you can guess that x is a variable and y is a bit
> in that variable, no? It's a lot of work to get to this point, though.
> I don't know if it's worth it.
> >?I would also
> > like to see an optional ASCII column to complement the 'dec' 'hex' and
> > 'binary' options.
> That's easy to do. I'll add that one of these days.
> Thanks for your thought.
>  / Ralf
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