gnupic: Please help me with a gpsim thing

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Subject: Re: Please help me with a gpsim thing
From: Andy ####@####.####
Date: 23 Jan 2002 20:19:15 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hash: SHA1

I'm glad somebody asked this question.

I was about to aks the same thing myself.  After RTFM I thought that I must 
still be missing something.

What I might do (time permitting) is write down how I use the LCD module, it 
would be as good a starting point as any for using the module.  What do other 
members of the list think?

Yours Aye

On Wednesday 23 January 2002 14:01 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Christian Alexander Valdivia wrote:
> > I'm using gpsim and gpasm...the simulator works fine so far...but I don't
> > know how to load the lcd module or how to make it works, configure,m etc.
> > Please enlighten me. Thanx a lot for your time.
> If you have gpsim installed then the example project in the LCD module
> distribution should work for you. This is what you need to do to install
> the LCD module:
> grab the latest version of the LCD module:
> (currently, 0.1.1 is the latest)
> unpackage it, build it, and install it:
> tar -xvzf lcd-0.1.1.tar.gz
> cd lcd-0.1.1
> ./configure
> make
> su
> make install
> exit
> At this point the LCD module is "ready to use".
> In the lcd-0.1.1/examples subdirectory there is a fairly extensive project
> illustrating the usage of the LCD module. You can try it out by doing
> this:
> cd lcd-0.1.1/examples
> gpasm lcd_mod.asm
> gpsim -c
> The startup command file script,, will load a 2X20 character
> LCD and attach it to the PIC (a 16C64 in this case). You should be able to
> run it and see the lines "GPSIM WROTE THIS".
> If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. The whole module
> thing is poorly documented.
> Scott
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