nanogui: layers

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Subject: Re: layers
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 6 Feb 2000 17:48:58 -0000
Message-Id: <05da01bf70c8$c06e7de0$15320cd0@gregh>

: So my question is , wouldn't it be a idea to split up micro windows
: in two source tree's on that offers the general drawwing interface
: to the framebuffer, X11, win32, hardware etc. that can be compiled
: totaly seperate.

Having them split into separate directories, like they are in 0.87preXX,
is good enough, IMHO.

: And one tree that deals with the windowing system, that tree can than be
: totaly
: device independed.

It already is.  Basically, src/drivers/*.h are the device-dependent
hdr files.  src/include/device.h is the drawing engine hdr file,
and src/include/nano-X and src/include/windows.h are the Nano-X
and Microwindows API hdr files.  src/engine is the engine, src/drivers
are the drivers, src/nanox is Nano-X api, and src/mwin is Microwindows

one isn't forced to update the windowingtoolkit everytime there are
: made new drivers.

A recompile is all that's needed now, never a source change.  I like your
idea though, and I've been thinking about having each of these
libraries take the form of a shared library, with the drivers possibly
That would solve your problem.  However, in the spirit of "keep it small",
I haven't done that yet.



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Next by date: 6 Feb 2000 17:48:58 -0000 Re: more on jpeg..., Alan Cox
Previous in thread: 6 Feb 2000 17:48:58 -0000 layers, Erwin Rol
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