nanogui: Kaffe port to Microwindows

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Subject: Re: Kaffe port to Microwindows
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 23 Mar 2000 09:17:30 -0000
Message-Id: <002a01bf94a7$028fefe0$15320cd0@gregh>

: Hi all,
: Kaffe port is stopped for the dynamic library issue.
: Kaffe needs to do all dynamic libraries to link at runtime to the needed
: libs. Ex, it loads when someone asks for an AWT class.

Well, the pre5 that I just posted has a capability to make shared libraries.
Currently, it just makes them for NanoX libraries.  See
and microwin/src/nanox/Makefile.  Look for SHARED_LIBS, and
set SHARED_LIBS=Y in the config file.

If you don't make progress, I'll add this to my list and try to have it
done soon.

: if ( (COLORREF)clr != fgClr ) {
: hbr = (HBRUSH)SelectObject( dc, CreateSolidBrush(
: (COLORREF)clr ));
: }
: #if defined( UNDER_95 )
: // strange repaint() behaviour under NT ???
: PatBlt( dc, x+x0, y+y0, w, h, PATCOPY );

Good.  PatBlt is using a solid brush, and just copying
it, so this will be easy.

: And here is some MaskBlt code:
: BitBlt( gr->dc, dstX+gr->x0, dstY+gr->y0,
: width, height, img->dcMask, srcX, srcY, SRCAND);
: BitBlt( gr->dc, dstX+gr->x0, dstY+gr->y0,
: width, height, img->dc, srcX, srcY, SRCINVERT);
: #else
: MaskBlt( gr->dc, dstX+gr->x0, dstY+gr->y0,
: width, height, img->dc, srcX, srcY,
: img->mask, 0, 0, MAKEROP4( SRCPAINT,
: #endif
: }

The SRCAND, and SRCINVERT is for painting icons.  I will
leave that out for now.

: else {
: BitBlt( gr->dc, dstX+gr->x0, dstY+gr->y0,
: width, height, img->dc, srcX, srcY, SRCCOPY);

SRCCOPY works, so it looks like it'll be no problem.

BTW, I didn't get much time to add all the needed functions
to Microwindows for the Kaffe port, but I'll keep hacking
on it tommorrow.  It's 2am now, so I think I'm going to bed ;-)



Previous by date: 23 Mar 2000 09:17:30 -0000 Re: Microwindows 0.88pre5 released, Jean-Eric Cuendet
Next by date: 23 Mar 2000 09:17:30 -0000 nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed,
Previous in thread: 23 Mar 2000 09:17:30 -0000 Re: Kaffe port to Microwindows, Jean-Eric Cuendet
Next in thread: 23 Mar 2000 09:17:30 -0000 Re: Kaffe port to Microwindows, Alan Cox

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