nanogui: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed

Previous by date: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000 Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000 Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed, Jean-Eric Cuendet
Previous in thread: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000 Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed, Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000 Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed, Jean-Eric Cuendet

Subject: Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed
From: Roberto Alsina ####@####.####
Date: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Greg Haerr wrote:

> : For what its worth, I am doing the Qt port using the nano-X X11 version,
> : and it worked fairly well.
> : 
> You have QT running?!  Tell me more about it!

Running? It ain't even linking yet ;-)
It's not even close to working yet, sorry if I got your hopes high :-)

> : I don't get alpha blending, though.
> I never hacked the X11 alpha blending blitter, only the framebuffer
> based blitters for alpha blending.  Erik is working on alpha blending
> for the X11 screen driver, he says it's looking pretty good ;-)

Cool. I guess it will be slow as a glass river, but I just want it because
I can't get a framebuffer in a ultra5 :-)

 ("\''/").__..-''"`-. .         Roberto Alsina
 `9_ 9  )   `-. (    ).`-._.`)  ####@####.####
 (_Y_.)' ._   ) `._`.  " -.-'   Centro de Telematica
  _..`-'_..-_/ /-'_.'           Universidad Nacional del Litoral
(l)-'' ((i).' ((!.'             Santa Fe - Argentina
                                KDE Developer (MFCH)
The stone age didn't end for a lack of stone" Firoz Rasul

Previous by date: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000 Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000 Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed, Jean-Eric Cuendet
Previous in thread: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000 Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed, Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 24 Mar 2000 16:12:22 -0000 Re: Antwort:Re: nanoGUI on HP-UX (nearly) fixed, Jean-Eric Cuendet

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