nanogui: QT Port?

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Subject: Re: QT Port?
From: Erwin Rol ####@####.####
Date: 14 Apr 2000 13:23:35 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Jean-Eric Cuendet wrote:
> >
> > Guys,
> > how about helping Greg with the GTK/GDK Port ?
> > Somehow, my self, I feel better with an open source stuff
> > then with a product
> > owned by a Company.
> > Who guarantee, when some embedded product (using Qt) have
> > success on the
> > market, then you have to pay extra for Qt?
> >
> My thouhgts are:
> QT is COMPLETELY open-source (the X11 version). Event if Troll wants to,
No it isn't , you are not allowed to backport it to Windows! what does
this mean for a Win32 like API ????

> they CAN'T retain rights on it. QT will never be closed-sourced because they
> simply can't under the license they choose (QPL). That's why redhat
> introduced KDE in their distibution. (No closed-source product in RedHat)
> Secondly, C++ is much better for GUI building than C. So, building GUI with
> Qt is much easier than with GTK. GTK is object oriented but all the objects
> concepts are made "artificially" with struct of pointers on methods while QT
OO concepts have nothing to do with the language, altough i must agree i
C++ more too , but the GTK ppl have some good resons why they use C and
not C++.

> is truly object oriented with C++ stuff. The compiler holds all the pointer
> on methods stuff in the virtual table of objects.
> Don't forget that KDE is the leading desktop on Linux. So, having Qt is a
> non-negligeable gain.
Yes and even if it is true , your point is ? you already say it yourself
leading _desktop_ , what has this to do with embedded systems ? Look at
looks creat eh that _desktop_ on a 180x100 pixel screen. 

And an other point QT uses a meta compiler, which most ppl very much
(like losts of C++ programmer dislike the addition in C++Builder for

If you want C++ why not look at GTK-- a very nice C++ version of GTK+.
And you get it under GPL, and it should runn with out to much problems
GTK+ runs on yer system.

- Erwin
> -jec
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        Q - S O F T - E N G I N E E R I N G 
     Rodachtalweg 11, 81549 Muenchen, Germany

Erwin Rol (Software Engineer)     phone: +49-89-68050051
####@####.####  fax  : +49-89-68050052

Previous by date: 14 Apr 2000 13:23:35 -0000 Re: QT Port?, Roberto Alsina
Next by date: 14 Apr 2000 13:23:35 -0000 Re: QT Port?, Rob Taylor
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Next in thread: 14 Apr 2000 13:23:35 -0000 Re: QT Port?, Rob Taylor

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