nanogui: compilation problem, microwindows, uClinux, mc68ez328

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Subject: compilation problem, microwindows, uClinux, mc68ez328
From: ####@####.####
Date: 27 Apr 2000 15:18:42 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Does anyone know how to compile correctly microwindows for the dragonball mc68ez328 running with uClinux.

I added in Arch.rules :

ifeq ($(ARCH), UCLINUX)
COMPILER = m68k-pic-coff-gcc
CXX_COMPILER = m68k-pic-coff-g++

And in the config file I have changed LINUX-NATIVE by UCLINUX

I've tried to compile it, and I've seen so many errors in the compilation process.

I don't know if it's my environment which don't work. I've tested the cross compiler with a basic file and it works.

Michael Danielou.

Previous by date: 27 Apr 2000 15:18:42 -0000 Re: make microwin api : client/server, Rob Taylor
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